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Volume 24, Issue 1 — january 2017  
Realtor News   |   Education   |   Events   |   Government Affairs  |   MLS  |   Membership  |   Appraiser  |   Commercial 

Top Stories

CRS 204~ April 5th-6th at RANW

"Name That Tune" Event Returns February 9th at Green Bay Distillery

2017 RANW Installation ~ Tuesday, March 28th

REALTOR & Government Day - Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Don't Be Confused on the Training Options for the new Paragon MLS System!

IMPORTANT Paragon Dates to Remember ~ Mark your Calendars!

Scroll down for additional stories-


Be A Part of YOUR Association - Join a Committee in 2017!

RANW members are encouraged to become involved with the Association through participation on one or more of our various committees. To learn about 2017 RANW Committees and to sign up to be considered for a committee, please click here.

Options as Open Enrollment Winds Down

Reminder: Open enrollment for qualified health plans under the Affordable Care Act ends January 31st. REALTORS® Insurance Marketplace has a private health insurance exchange for NAR members and licensed enrollment specialists are available to help.


CRS 204~ April 5th-6th at RANW

CRS 204 "Buying and Selling Income Properties" will be offered on Wednesday-Thursday, April 5th & 6th at the RANW office. This high-energy course explores a commonly overlooked method of generating sales, and the results can be life-changing! This class is a must for any real estate professional looking to create wealth through residential real estate investment. Save your spot now!


"Name That Tune" Event Returns February 9th at Green Bay Distillery

"Name that Tune" event is back Thursday, February 9th at the Green Bay Distillery. Register today to participate in this hilarious event benefiting the New Community Shelter.

2017 RANW Installation ~ Tuesday, March 28th

Please mark your calendars and plan on joining us for the 2017 RANW Installation Luncheon. Details and registration information to follow in future newsletters and on www.ranw.org.

Government Affairs

REALTOR & Government Day - Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Please mark your calendars for the 2017 REALTOR® & Government Day - Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at the Monona Terrace and Convention Center in Madison from 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm.


Paragon MLS Newsletter

Watch your email for the upcoming Paragon MLS system notices. To view the most recent Paragon newsletter from RANW MLS.  See article below for important upcoming dates. 

Don't Be Confused on the Training Options for the new Paragon MLS System!

There are two options being offered for Paragon MLS Training:
1. Online Paragon Academy (
Click here to login to Paragon Academy Online) 2. Live Training w/Paragon Instructor (Click here to register for live training events) You must take one or the other to have access to Paragon - RANW MLS encourages you to take advantage of both types of training.

Online Paragon Academy: As a member you have been automatically enrolled into these optional online classes.
1. This option is available from January 4th - February 3rd, or 30 days from your invite. These modules are live for 30 days then expire; please email RANW at MLSTraining@ranw.org if you were unable to complete and need them reset.
2. Emails were sent on January 3rd from Trainer@Mindflash.com. Subject line: You've Been Invited to: Paragon Essentials for Getting Started.
3. Additionally, a separate email was sent on January 3rd, also from Trainer@Mindflash.com. Subject line: You've Been Invited to: Listing Input & Maintenance of Listings.
4. All users can access Paragon Academy Online here. Even if you didn't receive email or deleted it.
     A. There are 6 training modules plus a separate LIM - Listing Maintenance Module* for those who are participating in Listing Maintenance. *If you received the LIM module and do not use it, ignore it.

Parallel: The new Paragon MLS system will be running in "Parallel" to InnoVia from January 24th - February 24th;

Cutover: The cutover to Paragon is on February 27th, when InnoVia will be shut down.

Benefits of Parallel: To allow you access to Paragon during this Parallel time you MUST complete the Online Paragon Academy. Among other things, the benefits of access during Parallel include the ability to navigate and learn the new system prior to final cutover, review your current listings, update contacts, saved searches, and customize your user profile, CMA's, and search screens. As you review and update your Prospects in Paragon (you may use the full functionality), if you do so, you may want to turn off the functionality for those Prospects in InnoVia otherwise your customers will receive communications from both systems during parallel, or let them know you are testing your new system!

Live Instructor Classes: Emails were sent from RANW on December 21st listing the 4 different types of classes and a variety of date options in February for Live Instructor classes. If you do not have the email handy please click here to register for live training events on Google docs. (Click here to register for live training events).
A. Live Class Confirmations: Beginning January 10th, you may visit www.ranw.org to obtain your confirmation by viewing the class list and the roster for each date and location.

Appraisers: Appraisers are required to take the Appraiser Class, but are not required to take the Essentials class (online or in-person), but are welcome and encouraged to do so. If you still have questions, please email MLSTraining@ranw.org or call MLS at 920.739.9108. Thank you for your patience during this important MLS transition to Paragon!

Shared Email addresses: If you share an email with a fellow member, you may not have gotten this information, and specifically the email from Paragon Training. You will need to change your email with MLS so that going forward each member has their own unique email. Please email cdreger@ranw.org to change your email with RANW MLS.

Questions on any of the Training: Please email MLS at: MLStraining@ranw.org

IMPORTANT Paragon Dates to Remember ~ Mark your Calendars!

January 3rd
Should have received Paragon Academy class information via email

January 4th
Be able to access online Paragon Academy classes - 
signup now for live classes!

January 10th
Forms confirming Company Data Feeds due; must be returned to RANW

January 24th
Paragon running Parallel with InnoVia begins ~ you will have access ONLY if you've taken the online Paragon Academy classes

New Data Sheets and reports to update listings will be sent to all MLS participant Firms

February 6th - February 23rd
Live Paragon classes with Paragon Trainer: RANW, GB, OSH and FDL ~ click here

February 20th-Begin using new data sheets; MLS will no longer accept listings on old forms

February 24th Noon until February 27th Noon
No updates or new listings will be accepted

February 27th
Live Cutover to Paragon, new MLS System is fully functional (all access to InnoVia goes away - if you haven't taken classes you will lose access.)

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Offers List of "Rural" and "Rural or Underserved" Counties

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has published on its website a list of counties determined to be "rural" and a list of counties determined to be "rural or underserved" during 2016 for purposes of applying certain regulatory provisions related to mortgage loans during 2017 (2017 lists). Rural counties are generally defined by using the USDA Economic Research Service's urban influence codes, and underserved counties are defined by reference to data collected under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. The 2017 lists can be found here.

Monthly Traffic Report from Realtor.com

This report details the aggregated traffic and median statistics to listings and member profiles resulting from the RANW MLS data feed to Realtor.com. Click here to access.

Lockbox Program

Welcome to the Lockbox Program


Exit Realty XL
Nine Twenty Realty, LLC

MLS Office

Combined Locks

Don't Get Caught Out in the Cold! Set up Your SupraWEB!

~ SupraWEB allows Brokers to view lockbox inventory reports, view lockbox activity reports for your office and view key activity reports for your office
~ SupraWEB for Agents allows you to obtain an authorization code to install the eKEY software if you get a new phone, obtain an update code for a key, manage lockbox inventory and listing informationYou can also view, email and schedule activity reports and view and send showing feedback -- and it only takes a minute to set up. Go to supraekey.com, login for agents, and register.
Please see links below for additional info:
Supra WebGuide - Agents
Supra WebGuide - Brokers


RANW Membership Changes

To view all the current membership changes for RANW, click here.

Sincere Condolences

RANW would like to extend its sincerest condolences to the family, friends, and co-workers of:
~ Dina Mitchell in the recent passing of her father.  Dina is a manager at Keller Williams Fox Cities in Appleton.

~ Michelle Ruebl in the recent passing of her sister Heather Gruett. Heather was a long-time REALTOR® member and Michelle is the broker of Join Me Realty in Brillion.

Online Membership Directory - A Great Tool

The RANW Directory is available to members online 24/7! Member and company information is updated daily so you'll always have the most up-to-date information. Member and Company License number rosters have been added to assist members with the new TRID regulations!
If you haven't already registered to use the online directory, it's easy to do.
Click here to access.


Events At a Squint

RPR Webinar
New Member Orientation
WRA Broker Summit
Fond du Lac Holiday Party
Collab Center Webinar
Listing Maintenance Trng
Green Bay Holiday Party
RANW Closed for Holiday
RANW Closed for Holiday
WCR Meeting
FINAL Dues Deadline



RANW Closed for Holiday
RANW Closed for Holiday
RPR Webinar
New Member Orientation
WRA Winter Convention

REALTOR & Gov't Day
WCR Meeting

2018 RANW
Board of Directors

Michael Kunesh

President - Elect
Judd Stevenson

Jim Smith

(Ex officio)
Scott Swick

Executive VP
Margery Chapman

Diane Campshure-Walczyk 
Debbie Gritt
Pat Kaster
Candace Kriner
Charlene Maurer
Mari Reichel
Sara Schnell
Michael Sewell

© REALTORS® Association of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc. 2002 - 2015
W6124 Aerotech Drive, Appleton, WI 54914, 920.739.9108

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