Blood Drive- Friday, October 5th at RANW Residential CE Scheduled for October- Appleton & Green Bay Locations- Register Today!
2018 RANW Neighborhood Outreach Day - Friday, October 26th!
WIREX Listings Now in Regular RANW Search
It's Membership Renewal Time ~ Discounted Dues Deadline is Tuesday, Nov 15th
REALTOR Ethics Requirement Deadline is 12-31-18 Scroll down for additional stories-
REALTOR NEWS2018 Annual Meeting- Tuesday, October 23rd- Register Today!
Join us as we celebrate our 100th Anniversary at our 2018 Membership Meeting!
Annual Membership Meeting • Election of RANW Directors 2019-2021 • Excellence in Professionalism Awards
Special Guest/Keynote Speaker:
Tuesday, October 23rd
Timber Rattlers Stadium, 2400 N Casaloma Dr, Appleton
11 am Registration, 11:30 Meeting Begins
Mike Theo, WRA President & CEO
Singe Ticket: $16 Reserved Table of 8: $128
| Click to register below:
Register and pay online
Download form and pay by check
Registration will close on Oct. 17th or as soon as all ticket have been sold.Notice of Annual Meeting and Election of Directors ~ Tuesday, October 23rdElections: 11:30 am
Location: Timber Rattlers Stadium, Appleton
Annual Meeting: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
The election of Directors for the 2019-2021 RANW Board of Directors will take place at the RANW Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd, at the Timber Rattlers Stadium, Appleton, WI, during the business portion of the meeting beginning at 11:30 a.m. Elections shall be by RANW REALTOR® Members by voice or hand vote, or by ballot if there is more than one nomination per Director position to be filled; and all votes shall be cast in person. Any ballot shall contain the names of all candidates and the position for which they are nominated. The Nominating Committee Slate is to be announced no later than three weeks preceding the Election. Additional candidates for the offices to be filled may be placed in nomination by a petition signed by at least 10% of the RANW REALTOR® members. The petition shall be filed with the Secretary at least two weeks before the election at which time REALTOR® members will be notified of such additional nominations. No write-in nominations or nominations from the floor shall be accepted (ref: RANW Bylaws Article XI).
2019 RANW Directors: REALTORS® nominated for election by RANW REALTOR® membership for a Director position on the Board of Directors, 3-Year Term Effective January 1, 2019 (2 positions):
Jill Dickson Judd Stevenson September is REALTOR Safety Month NAR has a wealth of resources to help agents, brokers, and associations better understand and educate each other about the safety risks they face. From planning your safety strategy to extensive safety resources including apps, products, and educators, NAR has many useful items for all real estate professionals including regularly-scheduled safety webinars, numerous articles organized by category, and videos.
Information about NAR's Safety Program Reimbursement Grant for Associations is also available.
Click here to access the REALTOR® Safety Resources page.
Blood Drive- Friday, October 5th at RANWStop by the RANW Office on Friday, October 5th, to make a life-saving donation. The RANW Fox Valley Community Service blood drive will be held from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Stop by or schedule an appoint by emailing Cindy Weyenberg at Click here for more information
Residential CE being offered in Appleton & Green Bay- Register Today! Space is running out!Residential CE will be offered in both Appleton & Green Bay during the month of October. ALL Real Estate Licenses will expire at the end of 2018. In order to renew by the Dec.14th deadline you must complete the (4) Mandatory Courses and (2) Elective Courses. We will be offering these courses LIVE during the month of October in both Appleton and Green Bay. Seating is limited, so don't wait to register!
For more information and to register for Fall LIVE CE click your location of choice below.
GREEN BAY Free RPR Webinars for Residential and Commercial Agents and Brokers Click here for an overview of all the various free webinars that RPR offers to REALTORS® or click on a specific specialized link below:
Commercial Agents
Residential Agents
NAR's REALTORS® Conference & Expo ~ November 2-5, Boston The REALTORS® Conference & Expo is the largest annual event for the most successful real estate professionals. The event will be in Boston this year, from November 2nd to the 5th. Registration is now open!
Please click here for registration, seminars, trade and entertainment information for the meetings and expo.
Thank You Oshkosh Golfers and Sponsors!Thank you to all the golfers and sponsors who joined us for our annual Oshkosh Golf Outing!
Dinner & Dinner Co-Sponsors:
Bank First National & Schmitt Title
Beverage Sponsor:
ACE Home Inspections
Hole Sponsors:
Associated Bank
Assurance Title
Bay Title & Abstract
Closing & Title Services
Integrity Inspection Services
Kens Home Inspection
Old National Bank
Verve, A Credit Union
Government Affairs
2018 RANW Neighborhood Outreach Day - Friday, October 26th! This is a great opportunity for RANW members to volunteer to help homeowners in your community by raking lawns and other fall lawn maintenance tasks for elderly and disabled residents in your market area. If you are interested, please mark your calendars! Click for an information flyer, team registration flyer, volunteer agreement and sign up soon!
Direct Giver ProgramWe are in the final stretch of RANW's Direct Giver Fundraising period, and the November elections are fast approaching. Soon we will be sending out the Association dues bills and then Direct Giver contributions "fall off the radar". Given the enormous issues the real estate industry is facing, we need your support now more than ever, so please send in your Direct Giver checks today. The WRA Direct Giver Program provides an alternative to an RPAC contribution for members who:
- wish to retain full control and direction over who will receive their political contributions.
- wish to give personal contributions to candidates for local and state elections and at the same time benefit the REALTORS® Association.
Direct Giver Process
1. Solicitations: The minimum contribution is $100.00.
2. Checks: Checks can be used and must be made to the WRA Direct Giver Program (not RPAC). Checks can be sent to RANW, W6124 Aerotech Dr., Appleton, WI 54914.
3. Credit Cards: You may also pay on-line via credit card. Click here and login to the WRA site. Or you can call Jennifer at 920.739.9108 with your credit card information and she will take care of it.
4. Control: Contributions to the Direct Giver Program are deposited in a separate bank account from RPAC contributions. Structurally, the WRA then acts like a bank, with disbursements permitted only with the explicit authorization of the contributor. That is, you retain full control on how your direct giver money is spent.
5. Directing Contributions: Contributors may at any time direct their contributions, in whole or in part, to any candidate for local, state or federal office. When disbursing funds, contributors can email or call RANW or WRA to indicate how they wish their money to be distributed.
WIREX Listings Now in Regular RANW Search
WIREX Listings Enhanced with Documents
WIREX listings now include documents shared by the listing agents. Coming soon, open house information!
Search by MLS number for both RANW and WIREX Listings Members have asked how to search by MLS number for listings from both RANW and from WIREX. It's easy to do - just use the Power Search at the top of your Paragon screen!
In the Power Search, enter the MLS numbers separated by commas. The Power Search will create a drop-down list of the individual listings, but also include a Listings link with the number of listings. Click on the Listings link to open a spreadsheet that includes all of the listings as your search results.
Members can then use these search results for review, email, add to client listing carts, etc.
How to Limit Your Searches to only RANW Listings or Members (when needed) & not include WIREX listings or members
By default, WIREX listings and members are included in searches. There may be some occasions when members would like to limit their searches to only RANW data or combinations of certain MLSs. Depending upon what part of the Paragon system you're in (Searches vs Membership vs Statistics), members can use either the Originating MLS field or the Board ID field to accomplish these tasks.
Click Here to open a new help document on Filtering Listings.
Not Sure How to Customize Your Search Screens or Results Spreadsheet?
If the Originating MLS or Board ID fields aren't already on your search screen and you need to add them, or if you'd like to do other customizing to search on or show in results the fields YOU want to see, there is a help document available to show you how.
Click Here to open a help document on Customizing Searches and Results.October Homebot Webinar ScheduleHomebot is a new item available in Paragon that is an automated marketing and relationship management tool. This is optional in Paragon and has a fee associated with it.
Have you taken 30 minutes to learn more about Homebot, Paragon's newest feature? Homebot is a sellers marketing tool designed to provide homeowners with data to better understand their home and how they can build wealth. The monthly report has a 68% open rate and will generate more activity between you and homeowners.
~ CMA appointments to validate the value of their home
~ Options to save on interest payments or lower their monthly payment
~ How to use their equity to move up or invest in another property
~ Built in Social Media marketing
~ Agent landing page for lead generation
~ Activity tracking and reporting ~ Much more
If you don't provide your prospects with data, they will go onto the internet to find it. Homebot provides a property specific report that provides information the homeowner will not easily find online while reinforcing you as the local market expert. In addition, we've integrated Homebot into Paragon for easy client registration. Taking 30 minutes to learn more will help improve your business.
Tue, Oct 2nd |
@ 11am CST |
Click to Register |
Thu, Oct 4th |
@ 12pm, CST
Click to Register |
Mon, Oct 8th |
@ 1pm CST
Click to Register |
Fri, Oct 12th |
@ 2pm CST
Click to Register |
Tue, Oct 16th |
@ 1pm CST
Click to Register |
Wed, Oct 17th |
@ 12pm CST
Click to Register |
Mon, Oct 22nd |
@ 11am CST
Click to Register |
Thu, Oct 25th |
@ 2pm CST
Click to Register |
Tue, Oct 30th |
@ 1pm CST
Click to Register |
Wed, Oct 31st |
@ 12pm CST
Click to Register | Virtual Staging - Member and Buyer ComplaintsMembers are complaining to MLS because they are hearing complaints from their Buyers about virtual property photos. Virtual photos of the property, most specifically of the interior, do not reflect the interior of the property when members and the buying public see the property in person.
Important reminder: Disclaimers should be used (In MLS Remarks, and anywhere else you are posting) disclosing when the virtual staging is used in photos to avoid misrepresentation in advertising in violation of Wis. Admin. Code s. REEB 24.04, and Wis. Stat. s. 452.136 and Article 12 of Code of Ethics. Reminder: Listing Information For MLS and Public Websites Should Follow Standard of Practice 12-10Code of Ethics Standard of Practice 12-10
REALTORS®' obligation to present a true picture in their advertising and representations to the public includes Internet content posted, and the URLs and domain names they use, and prohibits REALTORS® from:
1) engaging in deceptive or unauthorized framing of real estate brokerage websites;
2) manipulating (e.g., presenting content developed by others) listing and other content in any way that produces a deceptive or misleading result; or
3) deceptively using metatags, keywords or other devices/methods to direct, drive, or divert Internet traffic; or
4) presenting content developed by others without either attribution or without permission, or
5) otherwise misleading consumers, including use of misleading images. (Adopted 1/07, Amended 1/13, 1/18)
Advertising by AgentsBrokers and agents are reminded of statutory and ethical requirements that any advertising by an agent must disclose the firm's name as it is printed on the firm's license or a trade name filed with the DSPS. The firm's name shall be clear and conspicuous as it appears in the advertising.
From WRA Hottips July 23, 2018, regarding advertising by agents:
The newly enacted Wis. Stat. § 452.136 provides the following with regard to advertising by licensees:
(1) False advertising. A licensee may not advertise in a manner that is false, deceptive, or misleading.
(2) Disclosure of name.
(a) Except for advertisements for the rental of real estate owned by the licensee, a licensee shall in all advertising disclose the firm's name exactly as printed on the license of the licensed individual broker or licensed broker business entity or disclose a trade name previously filed by the firm with the department and shall in either case clearly indicate that the firm is a business enterprise and not a private party.
(b) Except for advertisements for the rental of real estate owned by the licensee, a licensee associated with a firm shall advertise under the supervision of and in the name of the firm. The firm's name as used in advertising shall be clear and conspicuous. This paragraph does not apply to a licensee engaged in independent practice as provided in s. 452.30(6).
(c) Notwithstanding pars. (a) and (b), a licensee may advertise the occasional sale of real estate owned by the licensee or may engage in the occasional solicitation of real estate for purchase by the licensee without complying with pars. (a) and (b), provided that the licensee clearly identifies himself, herself, or itself as a real estate licensee in the advertisement.
Article 12 of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics also provides as follows: REALTORS® shall be honest and truthful in their real estate communications and shall present a true picture in their advertising, marketing, and other representations. REALTORS® shall ensure that their status as real estate professionals is readily apparent in their advertising, marketing, and other representations, and that the recipients of all real estate communications are, or have been, notified that those communications are from a real estate professional. (Amended 1/08)
See "Five Things to Know About the New State Advertising Rules," in the January 2018 Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine at, the February 2018 Legal Update, "Real Estate Practice Revisions," at, and the WRA LegalTalks video, "New Advertising Law Changes with Cori Lamont" at
See also: Advertising - Disclosure of Broker's Name Date Created: 7/16/2018 Disclaimer: The Legal Hottips from WRA were current as of the time of publishing. Category: Advertising - Disclosure of Broker's Name MLS Rule Changes RANW MLS Rules were updated and approved by the Board of Directors at their June and September meetings. The updates were for clarification to local rules, IDX, VOW and MLS of Choice as mandatory per NAR. The following sections were updated: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,13,14,17,18,19, 20, 21 and 24. Click here to access the complete MLS Rules.
Listing Maintenance Class ~ Wed, October 17th & Thursday, Nov 15thLIM (Listing Input and Training) class will be offered on Wednesday, October 17th and Thursday, Nov. 15th from 10 am - 12 pm at our RANW office in Appleton. More information on the LIM program can be found on RANW's website here.
Click here to register for Wednesday, October 17th
Click here to register for Thursday, November 15th
Welcome to the Lockbox Program
Owl Mountain Properties
Rieckmann Real Estate Group, Inc.
ERA Starr Realty
Green Bay
Sturgeon Bay
| Be Prepared - Set Up Your SupraWEB AccountSave yourself from a potentially embarrassing moment by setting up your SupraWEB Account. Many people have been getting new phones, not realizing that they will need a new authorization code to activate the eKEY app, even if it appears to have transferred over from their old phone. You can get an authorization code 24/7 via your SupraWEB account.
Here's a reminder of all the things you can do through the SupraWeb:
~ Obtain an Authorization Code to activate the eKEY software on a new phone (existing eKEY users only)
~ Obtain an update code
~ View and send showing feedback
~ View, email and schedule activity reports
~ Manage your lockbox inventory
If you haven't already done so, please take a minute to set up your SupraWEB account. Supra eKEY and Apple iOS 12 Tested and CompatibleApple iOS 12 Apple recently released operating system iOS 12 for iPhones and iPads. Supra completed testing of the new iOS with the eKEY app and are happy to announce there are no issues.
Having issues with your eKEY? Please contact RANW MLS or Supra Member Support at:
RANW MLS: (920)739-9108 or 800-817-7657 and from Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm CST
Supra Member Support: 877-699-6787, 7 days/week 7am-9pm CST
RANW Membership ChangesTo view all the current membership changes for RANW click here. Sincere CondolencesRANW would like to extend its sincerest condolences to the family, friends, and co-workers of:
~ Janice Carter, in the her recent passing. Janice was a REALTOR® for many years and was owner of N.E.W. Appraisal Company/Real Estate in Crivitz. Membership Renewal Time Coming Soon! The annual membership renewal dues will be sent to offices the first week of October. The discounted dues deadline will be Wednesday, November 15th again this year. Thank you for your membership!
Congratulations, Terry Hilgenberg!RANW would like to congratulate Terry Hilgenberg on receiving WRA's Lifetime Achievement Award! Terry is currently a REALTOR® member with Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Group in Shawano. Terry was a past local association President and remains very active in RANW. He also served as past WRA Chairman and is a past WRA REALTOR-of-the Year (DSA) and RANW EPA recipient. Terry has also held numerous positions with NAR including the Executive Committee. Congratulations to Terry from RANW! WRA Discontinuing Hard Copy Forms As of October 1st, 2018As of October 1st, 2018, WRA will no longer be printing hard copy forms and RANW will no longer be able to place orders through them. RANW and WRA will both be selling remaining inventory of forms until we run out.
If you are interested in ordering forms from RANW please fill out a forms order form and email it to Angela,
Forms not listed on the RANW order form will have to be ordered directly from WRA. All forms are also available through your Ziplogix ZipForms account. Don't Lose Your REALTOR Membership! Required Ethics Deadline is 12-31-18REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time within two-year cycles.
The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®. A new two-year cycle began January 1, 2017. The deadline for this cycle is December 31, 2018.
Training may be completed through the following options:
~ Residential CE Course 4
~ New Member Orientation class completed January, 2017-December, 2018
~ NAR's Online class - click here.

Events At a Squint |
October |
WRA Annual Convention 1st-3rd
ABR Course
ABR Course
Neighborhood Outreach Day |
27 |
November |
Annual Membership Meeting
Discounted Dues DEADLINE
Discounted Dues Deadline
RANW Office Closed for Holiday
RANW Office Closed for Holiday |
27 |
December |
RANW Office Closed for Holiday
RANW Office Closed for Holiday |
2023 RANW & MLS
Boards of Directors
RANW & MLS Executive Committee
Michael Sewell
Diane Campshure
Pat Kaster
Judd Stevenson
RANW Directors
Andy Beiser
Jenelle Bruno
Jill Dickson-Kesler
Michael Kunesh
Ben Lyons
K.C. Maurer
MLS Directors
Tyler Jedwabny
Mike Karisny
Michael Kunesh
Lori Muller
Joy Pouwels
Brittany Voigt
Executive VP
Paula Hall