New Licensees Must Complete CE This Biennium Residential CE Scheduled for October- Appleton & Green Bay Locations- Register Today!
2018 RANW Neighborhood Outreach Day - Friday, October 26th! November Candidates Need You Help- Contribute Now
New Licensees Must Complete CE This Biennium
REALTOR Ethics Requirement Deadline is 12-31-18 NAR Releases Center for REALTOR Financial Wellness
Scroll down for additional stories-
REALTOR NEWSMark your Calendar! Annual Meeting - Tuesday, October 23rd Join us as we celebrate our 100th Anniversary at our 2018 Membership Meeting!
2018 Annual Meeting, Election of 2019 Directors and 2018 Excellence in Professionalism Awards
Date:Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018
Location: Timber Rattlers Stadium
Time: 11:00 am Registration 11:30 am Meeting Begins
Special Guest & Keynote Speaker: Mike Theo; WRA President & CEO
Registration will be available through our website in the coming weeks!
RANW AddendaThe Forms Committee held their first meeting in anticipation of the new Offer to Purchase and began review of possible change to the RANW Addendum A and B.
At this time the new Offer will be out sometime in 2019, therefore RANW Addenda will coincide their changes at the same time. If you have any input regarding the RANW addenda now, please let Lori Muller RANW Forms Chair or Lynn at RANW know: or New Licensees Must Complete CE This BienniumAccording to the DSPS website:
~ If an agent was issued a license before October 1, 2018, they MUST complete the CE hours to renew their real estate licenses prior to December 14th.
~ After October 1, 2018, agents are exempt from completing the required CE for only the December 14, 2018 renewal.
All Real Estate Salespersons will be required to complete the required CE for all renewals after the upcoming 2018 renewal, unless their license was issued after October 1 in an even year. Click here for details.
Free RPR Webinars for Residential and Commercial Agents and Brokers Click here for an overview of all the various free webinars that RPR offers to REALTORS® or click on a specific specialized link below:
Commercial Agents
Residential Agents
Residential CE Scheduled for October- Appleton & Green Bay Locations- Register Today!Residential CE will be offered this October in both Appleton & Green Bay! ALL Real Estate Licenses will expire at the end of 2018. In order to renew by the Dec.14th deadline you must complete the (4) Mandatory Courses and (2) Elective Courses. We will be offering these courses LIVE during the month of October in both Appleton and Green Bay. Seating is limited, so don't wait to register!
For more information and to register for Fall LIVE CE click your location of choice below.
Oshkosh Golf Outing- Thursday, September 13th - Register today! Register now for this year's RANW Oshkosh Golf Outing!
Date: Thursday, September 13th
Location: Utica Golf Club
Shotgun Start: 11:00 a.m.
Cost: Member $45 Non-Member $60
Register by August 15th for the EARLY BIRD Price of $40 (members only)
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Contact Lizzy Styles at 920-739-9108 or WRA 2018 Annual Convention ~ Sept 17-18thSave the date for the WRA's showcase event of the year! The WRA Annual Convention is back in Wisconsin Dells on September 17-18, 2018. During two jam-packed days, hundreds of REALTORS® will gather together from all corners of the state for classes, networking and fun! With the "It's Time to Shine" theme for the convention, you'll learn how to put your best foot forward and shine in your market. You'll leave the convention with good vibes so you'll be ready to take the lead and boogie your way to success. Click here for details. NAR's REALTORS® Conference & Expo ~ November 2-5, Boston The REALTORS® Conference & Expo is the largest annual event for the most successful real estate professionals. The event will be in Boston this year, from November 2nd to the 5th. Registration is now open!
Please click here for registration, seminars, trade and entertainment information for the meetings and expo.
Thank you to our Fox Valley & Fond du Lac Golf Sponsors! Thank you to our wonderful 2018 sponsors who made our August golf outings such a great success!
Fox Valley Golf Sponsors
AmeriCU Mortgage
BLC Community Bank
Closing & Title Services
Evans Title
GreenStone Farm Credit
Homestead Inspections
Inlanta Mortgage
Knight Barry Title
Marine Credit Union
NEW Title
Old National Bank
Stewart Title
The Bank of Kaukauna
Huntington National Bank
Verve, A Credit Union
Wells Fargo
Wolf River Community Bank
Women's Council of REALTORS-FV
Fond du Lac Golf Sponsors
Ace Home Inspections
Associated Bank
Caliber Home Loans
Fox Valley Savings Bank
Guaranty Title Services
Hometown Bank
Knight Barry Title |
Lunda Home Inspection
Midwest Title Group
National Exchange Bank
Schmitt Title
Title Consultants
U.S. Bank
Verve, A Credit Union | 6th Annual Women's Council of Realtors Fox Valley Golf Outing- October 4thRegister for the 6th Annual Women's Council of Realtors Fox Valley Golf Outing!
Date: Thursday, October 4th
Location: Westridge Golf Course
Time: 1:00 p.m. Registration Opens / 1:30 p.m. Shotgun Start
Register by September 28th! REGISTER HERE
WCR Fox Valley- Dress for Success September 25th Dress For Success evening event with a fundraiser to benefit the Community Clothes Closet!
Details: September 25th from 6pm-9pm at The Cobbleston in Brillion
For more information and to purchase tickets contact Leah Marsh at 920-205-5411 or
Government Affairs
2018 RANW Neighborhood Outreach Day - Friday, October 26th! This is a great opportunity for RANW members to volunteer to help homeowners in your community by raking lawns and other fall lawn maintenance tasks for elderly and disabled residents in your market area. If you are interested, please mark your calendars! Click for an information flyer, team registration flyer, volunteer agreement and sign up soon!
Direct Giver ProgramWe are in the final stretch of RANW's Direct Giver Fundraising period, and the November elections are fast approaching. Soon we will be sending out the Association dues bills and then Direct Giver contributions "fall off the radar". Given the enormous issues the real estate industry is facing, we need your support now more than ever, so please send in your Direct Giver checks today. The WRA Direct Giver Program provides an alternative to an RPAC contribution for members who:
- wish to retain full control and direction over who will receive their political contributions.
- wish to give personal contributions to candidates for local and state elections and at the same time benefit the REALTORS® Association.
Direct Giver Process
1. Solicitations: The minimum contribution is $100.00.
2. Checks: Checks can be used and must be made to the WRA Direct Giver Program (not RPAC). Checks can be sent to RANW, W6124 Aerotech Dr., Appleton, WI 54914.
3. Credit Cards: You may also pay on-line via credit card. Click here and login to the WRA site. Or you can call Jennifer at 920.739.9108 with your credit card information and she will take care of it.
4. Control: Contributions to the Direct Giver Program are deposited in a separate bank account from RPAC contributions. Structurally, the WRA then acts like a bank, with disbursements permitted only with the explicit authorization of the contributor. That is, you retain full control on how your direct giver money is spent.
5. Directing Contributions: Contributors may at any time direct their contributions, in whole or in part, to any candidate for local, state or federal office. When disbursing funds, contributors can email or call RANW or WRA to indicate how they wish their money to be distributed.
Active WIREX Listings Added to ParagonWe are pleased to update you on the previously-reported project of adding listings from WIREX that are located in RANW MLS market counties to our regular Paragon search.
Additional listings: These Active WIREX listings, over 9,000 (and Solds within the last 6 months) along with their photos, were to be added to MLS searches the week of August 27th. During the week of September 4th documents will be added, and open house data will be included the week of September 18th. If Paragon needs additional time, then the weeks will be extended accordingly.
~ The RANW MLS Market Counties listings added are: Adams, Brown, Calumet, Dodge, Door, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Kewaunee, Lincoln, Manitowoc, Marathon, Marinette, Marquette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Portage, Shawano, Sheboygan, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago, and Wood. For a map of WIREX areas, please click here.
~ New RANW Fields and Features: As part of this project, RANW was able to add a few new fields and features for our own listings. Please click here to see a separate list of new and changed fields/features, and click here to review new Data Sheets (see bottom of e-mail for individual data forms). These changes will also be reflected in Paragon's LIM tool effective August 27th. A significant change was to add a number of features for Hobby Farm and Farm to both Residential and Vacant Land property classes. Farm will continue to also be included in Commercial.
~ The following are additional important key items you should be aware of regarding these listings from other MLSs and use of Paragon:
~ Data Fields: Due to other MLSs not having exactly the same fields as RANW in some categories, efforts have been made to match the data as closely as possible and provide as much information as possible. Where a close data match was not possible, RANW had Paragon add feature options called "WIREX Other". When "WIREX Other" appears on a listing, members may want to use the WIREX switcher and review the listing in WIREX, or contact the listing agent for additional information. Several other free form WIREX fields were added for Condominium Names, Subdivisions, and Water Body Name; if the data does not match RANWs list, these fields will be populated with their data.
~ Blank Fields: Members will notice that some fields/features Required by RANW MLS will be blank for the WIREX listings. This is because other MLSs do not have or do not require data for those fields or features.
~ The MLS numbers: WIREX listings will have a two-character prefix indicating which MLS the listing came from (example: CW123456 indicates a listing from Central Wisconsin MLS). RANW has requested Paragon to add the full name of the Originating MLS to listing reports. This new code prefix is in front of the MLS numbers, no dashes or spaces. If searching by MLS number for a listing from another MLS, members will need to include the two-character prefix.
~ Counties: These WIREX listings only from the following Counties will now be included in Paragon RANW MLS: Adams, Brown, Calumet, Dodge, Door, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Kewaunee, Lincoln, Manitowoc, Marathon, Marinette, Marquette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Portage, Shawano, Sheboygan, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago, and Wood.
~ Listing statuses: Will mostly match RANWs statuses. Exceptions are Contingent-Offer type listings; those will be mapped to a new "WIREX Offer Status", as other MLSs may use and define their statuses differently than RANW.
~ Listings will include: All photos, virtual tours, public documents, and open house information.
~ Geocoding: Latitude and Longitude will be included on all incoming listings.
~ Search Results: The incoming listings will be included in search results for CMAs and Collab Center-Prospect carts by default (RANW members can choose to search only RANW listings if they prefer).
~ Corrections: Should members see data on a WIREX listing that does not appear correct, please report it to RANW MLS as you would any RANW listing, so that we can check into the data and ask the Originating MLS to correct the listing as necessary.
~ Tools in Paragon affected by Incoming Listings:
Searches: These Listings will be available in search results using the Power Search, regular Searches, CMAs, and the Collab Center. An Originating MLS field will be added to allow you to search for all listings or only from specific MLSs, including the ability to sort by. If searching by MLS number for a listing from another MLS, members will need to include the two-character prefix. ~ RANW MLS members will no longer need to use the WIREX switcher within Paragon in order to find these listings, although the switcher can still be used for listings outside RANW MLS market counties, or to possibly to find additional information on these listings.
~ The Hotsheet and Market Monitor will continue to only include RANW listings, as will RANW MLS Statistical Reports.
~ RETs: These WIREX listings will NOT be included in any RANW MLS RETS data feeds or IDX Links from RANW MLS. These WIREX listings would be included in any applicable RETS feeds through the listing company/agents primary - the listings Originating MLS.
~ Two new Property Reports in Paragon (based on the RANW Agent Confidential and Customer Full) were created to accommodate the WIREX listing data. Every attempt will be made to keep these detailed displays printing on a single page per listing.
~ Originating MLS and Membership info will be able to be searched in Paragon for MLS Participant Companies and their members who are in a participating MLS, categorized by the MLS they are associated with. These members will NOT have access to the RANW MLS Paragon system.
If you have any questions about any of these changes, please contact RANW MLS at 920-739-9108, 920-494-8010, or 800-817-7657.
Thank you for your continued membership in RANW and RANW MLS!
New August 2018 Data Forms to use
Residential Vacant Land Multi-Family
Condominium Commercial
*Click on Property Class to view individual Data Forms Listing Maintenance Class ~ Tuesday, Sept 20thLIM (Listing Input and Training) class will be offered on Tuesday, September 20th, from 10 am - 12 pm at our RANW office in Appleton. More information on the LIM program can be found on RANW's website here.
Click here to register for Tuesday, September 20th. MLS Basics Class Offered ~ Tuesday, Sept 11thEvery MLS does things a little bit differently, so learn what RANW MLS needs you to know! The MLS Basics class will cover our rules and recommended listing procedures, offer a review of listing data and forms needed to complete your listings, cover some of the basics of using Paragon, and provide info on the Supra lockbox program.
This class is a great supplement to the Listing Input and Maintenance (LIM) training, and can be attended by new as well as long-time members and office admins who might like a refresher course.
Register for MLS Basics from 10 am-12 noon below:
~ Tuesday, September 11th
HOMEBOT - A New Seller Marketing ToolParagon has made available to MLSs a new tool for members called Homebot, an automated marketing and relationship management tool. Homebot will be available within Paragon effective September 10th.
This optional Paragon tool has a fee associated with it. Please see additional facts below as well as links to an introductory Homebot video and upcoming no-obligation Live Webinars for RANW members.
~ Tool: The Homebot tool will help you market and manage relationships with Sellers and Homeowners; it is an automated system that delivers monthly emails with wealth management tips on your behalf. Homebot has been integrated into the Contact and Collaboration Center in Paragon for ease of member use.
~ Fees: The Homebot fee for agents is $25.00 per month for 500 contacts. The agent may add blocks of 500 for additional contacts at $10.00 per 500 block.
~ Commitment: There is no long-term commitment when members sign up; it's month to month. Paragon/Homebot is also waiving the $100 per agent setup fee.
~ Company Broker: There is nothing the Company Broker needs to do to sign up or to allow their agents access, but the Company Broker may sign up their entire company, as there are bulk discounts.
~ Webinars: Paragon and Homebot are offering live webinars for RANW Members on the following dates: September 10th, 12th, 24th and 27th. There will also be ongoing live webinars available for members from all MLSs as well as recorded webinars for your viewing.
Monday, 9/10/18 at 10 am CST
Tuesday 9/11/18 at 2pm CST
Monday 9/24/18 at 11am CST
Thursday 9/27/18 at 1pm CST ~ Support: The ongoing Support for the Homebot tool will be through Paragon at the following Homebot support: (800) 530-5395 or
~ Integration: The integration with Paragon enables the members to have single sign on, by going to "Resources" within Paragon. Also from Paragon, members can sign up a contact for Paragon in the Contact section. Homebot is also integrated in the Collaboration Center. A new "My Home Wealth" tab will appear so your clients can view their Homebot report or sign up for the service.
~ Homeowner or Buyer: An agent or homeowner/consumer is able to sign up with Homebot even without going through Paragon. But Homebot doesn't offer the Report to the consumer; a consumer must get Homebot from a paying subscriber, as the Homeowner will through the agent sending it from Paragon - Homebot.
~ Key benefits: Please see the video link for additional information and examples from Homebot (a quick 1+ minute video) to show you the way you can engage with the homeowner and keep the agent involved.
RANW and RANW MLS isthankful for your continued membership and support!
Welcome to the Lockbox Program
RightWay Home Inspection
Safeguard Home Inspections, LLC
Affiliate Home Inspector
Affiliate Home Inspector
RANW Membership ChangesTo view all the current membership changes for RANW click here. New Licensees Must Complete CE This BienniumAccording to the DSPS website:
~ If an agent was issued a license before October 1, 2018, they MUST complete the CE hours to renew their real estate licenses prior to December 14th.
~ After October 1, 2018, agents are exempt from completing the required CE for only the December 14, 2018 renewal.
All Real Estate Salespersons will be required to complete the required CE for all renewals after the upcoming 2018 renewal, unless their license was issued after October 1 in an even year. Click here for details. Sincere CondolencesRANW would like to extend its sincerest condolences to the family, friends, and co-workers of:
~ Otto Bytof , in the his recent passing. Otto was an owner and REALTOR® for many years with Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Group in Appleton. He was an honorary member of RANW until his retirement in 2008. Congratulations Free Convention Pass Winner!Congratulates to Scott Erno on winning the free pass to the Wisconsin REALTORS Association convention in September! REALTOR Ethics Requirement Deadline is 12-31-18REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time within two-year cycles.
The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®. A new two-year cycle began January 1, 2017. The deadline for this cycle is December 31, 2018.
Training may be completed through the following options:
~ Residential CE Course 4
~ New Member Orientation class completed January, 2017-December, 2018
~ NAR's Online class - click here.
NAR Releases Center for REALTOR Financial Wellness NAR has introduced the Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness, a new online resource designed to meet the specific financial planning needs of REALTORS®. This new program began as a need identified by 2017 NAR President Bill Brown and was later validated through extensive member research. Also in 2017, a Presidential Advisory Group was formed to help shape the program, identify the financial resources members need most, and determine how to best deliver them.
Members will get started by taking an online assessment, which will generate a set of personalized financial planning goals based on where they are today. Click here to see the full Fact Sheet about the education materials and resources now available.
WRA Discontinuing Hard Copy Forms As of October 1st, 2018As of October 1st, 2018, WRA will no longer be printing hard copy forms and RANW will no longer be able to place orders through them. RANW and WRA will both be selling remaining inventory of forms until we run out.
If you are interested in ordering forms from RANW please fill out a forms order form and email it to Angela,
Forms not listed on the RANW order form will have to be ordered directly from WRA. All forms are also available through your Ziplogix ZipForms account.

Events At a Squint |
December |
MLS Basics Class
WRA Broker Summit
Green Bay Holiday Party
New Member Orientation
Fond du Lac Holiday Party
License Renewal Deadline
RANW Closed for Holiday
RANW Closed for Holiday
RANW Closed for Holiday
Final Dues Deadline
RANW Closed for Holiday
January |
RANW Closed for Holiday
WRA Virtual Conference
WRA Virtual Conference
February |
2018 RANW
Board of Directors
Michael Kunesh
President - Elect
Judd Stevenson
Jim Smith
Scott Swick
Executive VP
Margery Chapman
Diane Campshure-Walczyk
Debbie Gritt
Pat Kaster
Candace Kriner
Charlene Maurer
Mari Reichel
Sara Schnell
Michael Sewell